Friday, August 31, 2018

20.11 MILES & 4000 MILES

I just hit 4000 miles on my speedometer that I got 5 month and 4 days ago.  

Me sporting the very fashionable side hair.  It's will be trending very soon.

Now you guys can laugh hard, because I finally did it, I did my ride yesterday wearing my bibs inside out.  And the only redeeming thing was that every thing down there was black.
I am so glad I did not wear the one with a bright green fabric.     
Work today for Sportsmans Warehouse.  They're having a Water Fowl Weekend.   Then at the end of September I'll face paint for them.  

Whats next?   Tomorrow is the CLUB CLIMB to Paradise then to Love Lock then back down to Neal road.   57 miles 3800' climbing.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


I'm a red head and blue eyed. 
My natural shade is light auburn. 

The studies out there indicate red heads and blue eyed people out there are head are left handed.  
I'm right handed.
1% of the population is Red headed blue eyed and left handed.  

So it would be easier for you to find a four leaf clover than me.  LOL   I'm not making that one up, it's in a video about red head with blue eyes.  

 Red heads bruise easily and require more anesthetic.  Yes I do bruise easily and I do require more anesthetic.  
Red heads make there own vitamin D.  I'm working on that as I type. ;)
I'm not hot tempered.  

I'm a mutant!   (???)  Holy shit I'm a double Mutant.
I was in Germany when Chernobyl went off, and we were told not to eat the fruit.  Mom did tell me anything so I was eating cherries.   Don't Mutants have super powers???     Ahh yes mine is Super Sarcastic.   

Famous Red Head
  • Socrates
  • Galileo
  • Darwin
  • King David
  • Vincent van Gogh
  • Mark Twain
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Queen Elizabeth I
  • Sir Winston Churchill
  • King Arthur
  • JK Rowling
  • Jane Goodall

If you want to know more fact go to this web page.

32.20 MILES

Not a great day, was feeling pretty crappy, but hey there the bike.  
On my way out I got up close and personal with a Hawk.  I don't know who was more surprised him or me.   I came around a corner and he was perched on a fence, bullying some little birds who were crazy upset.  He looked at me and I looked at him.  I could have reached out and touched him.  He actually was so surprised he lost his balance on the fence.   That is the closest to a wild Hawk I've ever been. Pretty cool.    I'm a hero to those tiny birds.  LOL

 Giant Puff balls.  I love these.   
I really wonder how long these will last. LOL  Some kid or adult is going to come by and kick them.  But that ok, that is how they spread there spores.   Or a mouse will decide they are delicious.   

Well I got a ear full, two cyclist were riding and one was telling the other she was getting so high on dope and then she binged on beer.... Dang!    Great cycling strategy there.

Did some sprints into a head wind. 

My new weapon of choice.   I am feared by all now.  Bwaahahahahaaa....

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


 What a great day for a up hill climb.  Most everyone had there new jerseys on.   I didn't take too may pictures this time because I was having fun with the video camera.
Stopping to rest at Star Bucks.  Sorry but Star Bucks coffee is meh.   Just my taste buds. 

Look at all those cool bikes.

 On the way down Neil road I took it easy, my front tire was looking not to healthy, so I stayed behind the group.  Rather wipe out behind them than in front of the group.

But the problem got taken care of, after I got down the hill went right over to North Rim and got both tires replaced.   And good thing I did, because my break wire was coming apart.   Yikes.  That would have not been good.

I like living life on the edge.

Well I was pretty surprised how well I did going up to Paradise considering that last time I did was the doughnut ride.  And the face with all the stair stepping.   Yes I could really feel it.  I was slow, but I was not far behind the group. 


 Awwww  no more Crits.  :(  
Well all good things must come to end and there is always next year. 
I had a blast helping everyone with huge amounts of paper work. ;)    I also put the unruly critters in there place by making them personalized numbers. 
 One last sign in.

 We had a BBQ
We had veggies, and plums.
 And watermelon.
Beer and Soda's
 We had smiling Crit racers and their friends.
 We had crazy Crit riders.
 We had dogs.

 Our BBQ specialist.
 Are hungry critters.
 And our little Critters. 

All in all it was so much fun.  I'll definitely do it again next year. 
 And I scored two more jerseys. 

This one is my favorite, it's a endurance jersey.
Can you see the phantom cat? 
She was on to it and I was able to click before she jumps and claimed it.
But I also like this one two, because I wanted to get on last time I did the Wildflower.  

Sunday, August 26, 2018


 REALLY?!  WTF?   I've gone down and up at the same time.  I look fatter. ??  But my pant size are smaller. I'm even been able to wear my Tiger Jersey now, it fits, were as before it was too tight.   Remember the face profile to show my weight loss in my face.   I've lost weight in my face, but look fatter below.  What gives.???

My thights look like huge Jett Puff Marshmallows on sticks. 

My tights are fucking huge.  Did all the weight in my face go down with gravity?    ARRGHHHH!  I'm really sad and confused.

The picture all the way to the left is March 2016.
The middle picture is  2017 and the picture to the right is 2018.


 Well sometimes the stars do not align.   My friend has breathing problems and the smoke today was a little too much for her, so she decided not to ride.   So I rode in circles today.  Only did 12 miles, going to go back out later on.

I got my TIGER Jersey back and fixed, thank to my friend Lena. <3     I tend to like to wear this when I have my grrrr on, today was not that day, so I feel weird wearing a tiger jersey and doing a tiny ride.  Oh well.

Wholly crap cracker.  I was wondering what post of mine is going to get to 1000 first and well it might be the,   71.31 miles 10/5/2016 WHAT WAS I THINKING   Yipe.
It has 726 views, sense yesterday.  So it's leaving What I'm up to.  Behind.   LOL

 Nature is full of surprises, if you pay attention.   All these lovely's pop up fast.
 Lot's of them.
 And this too with tiny tiny blue flowers.

The flowers are so small there is no way my camera can pick them up.