Wednesday, August 29, 2018


 Awwww  no more Crits.  :(  
Well all good things must come to end and there is always next year. 
I had a blast helping everyone with huge amounts of paper work. ;)    I also put the unruly critters in there place by making them personalized numbers. 
 One last sign in.

 We had a BBQ
We had veggies, and plums.
 And watermelon.
Beer and Soda's
 We had smiling Crit racers and their friends.
 We had crazy Crit riders.
 We had dogs.

 Our BBQ specialist.
 Are hungry critters.
 And our little Critters. 

All in all it was so much fun.  I'll definitely do it again next year. 
 And I scored two more jerseys. 

This one is my favorite, it's a endurance jersey.
Can you see the phantom cat? 
She was on to it and I was able to click before she jumps and claimed it.
But I also like this one two, because I wanted to get on last time I did the Wildflower.  

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