Sunday, August 19, 2018


 My new jersey up close.   YAY!

 The back.
 Femme Forte  translates into Strong Women in French.  A couple of our ladies are french. 
 This is the Jersey inspector, making sure the I don't admire my new too much, because she needs pet-tums.
 Yeah just not having a good week.   Let me add the party was fun.   It's just my head space that shitty.   
 I can't believe it another fire.  :(  16,000 acres burned.  Stone Fire stared 3 hours ago.   That is were all this some is coming from.
 Were is the sun.?    I see it can you?

So off I go tomorrow to paint a lot of stores.  Getting up at 6:30 and going to try to do two stores in one day or if I can 3.  Lets see what happens. 

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