Wednesday, August 15, 2018


 Hey look I'm back on the bike.   After a total of 7 days off the bike, I feel recharged and great.   
Getting back with my peep's was great.  So fun today!  Riding with a group is the best. 
I took a chance today because I was expecting a phone call from Denny's about the window painting and I lucked out he contacted me as I walked in the door.  Talk about timing. 
So I was suppose to start painting today, but they changed it to this Monday and for me that's great, because I can get a little more riding in and I get to go to the party on the 17th.  Remember the Kit fit party?  Well the kits are here and we're going to party like it's 2018!!!

 Pam our leader keeping everyone in line.  
 Off we go. 

 Rice field to the left.
 Riding over the Sacramento River.  Lot's of Egrets and I even saw a deer jumping along down in the thicket, next to the water.

 Just after this picture was taken I spotted a deer down there.
 Pam put us through the ringer.  LOL  We did rotating pace line in both directions.   Wash, Rinse and repeat.  :)
 Average speed on the way.  

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