Thursday, December 20, 2018


If lightning strikes me twice, a leprechaun run over me with a monster truck and a unicorn snubs me AND I finally get hired at the job I applied for this might change.  But with my luck I'll probably not be that lucky.  So here my new challenge for 2019 if all above fails to happen.

I need to beat all the mileage for 2018 here the list.  
      2018                                                                          2019
January: 333.44-------------                                        210.81
February: 815.4                                                         373.83 into it
March:    351.7
April:    612.69
May:     1,001.93   Time to go Feral!!!!!!!
June:     1,000.6    
July:      1,008.33
August:  373.51
September: 723.3
October:    388.26
November:  54.21
December:  364.28

7,027.65 miles for the year.

So time to scream. 

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