Thursday, December 20, 2018


Just 26.51 miles   I guess I needed to cycle off the cray cray today so I headed up to the hill repeat area and did laps.

83.20 miles left to 7000 miles. 


                    OMFG!   I Looked up at the sign and didn't see Titleist way.  I saw Tit list.   I almost fell off the bike.   So I guess ever time I see this now it's Tit list.    

So here is what I did.  I road up the hill to Delaney Dr then down Tit list and then when up the other side back around to Delaney, down Tit list again and start over.   Kind of sort of drunken figure 8 ish kind of way.  
A little steam off the path.  One of the things you don't see at when you join the Night gang of hill repeaters that fly by.
This way and back around.  Taking a break.
Hey look a new path!  That goes in a circle!   I ended right back at the picture above.   LOL
Another path.
Looks promising, but it was short lived.  There a rode at the end called Dog Leg rd.  LOL  Well at the end of Dog leg rode is got to be a wild Christmas house with lot's of inflatable.  LOT'S!  I would have taken a picture, but they were all flat. 

26.51 miles
2 hours and 17 minutes
25.5 max
11.5 average

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