Tuesday, December 11, 2018


 Just a easy chilly ride today.   No hammering. 
I think I might have really hammered my self a little to hard on the Friday Group ride, then more hammering on the Club Classic.    What I noticed on the Club Classic ride was that my sprinting ability was shot.   I wanted to sprint, but my brain was telling me to conserved the energy, or I would have bonked earlier.   Nothing like being lost.  
I tried to do a sprint at the end of my ride today and well yeah I got to 24 mph, but was not able to maintain it.   Oh well. 

140.19 miles left to 7000.  I'm just going to take it easy and do the rides as they come.  
 Every time I see PG&E now I can not help of thinking about fire.   I feel sorry for the workers, that have absolutely nothing to do with the start of the fire, because you know there people out there just hammering them.
 Hey look the road is open, a bit.  I took advantage and put a extra 3 ish more miles on my loop. 
 23.36 miles
 1 hour 45 mintues
 24.5 max speed
13.2 average speed.

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