Friday, March 29, 2019


Great day today!  Conner my friend 5 year old son was so scared of riding his bike.  He loves riding his balance bike, but if I bring up his bike he didn't want nothing to do with it.   So with the help of his sister Charlotte who convinced him just to sit on the bike so she could see if he still fit on it.  Conner got on and something snapped in his 5 year old brain.  He wanted to try to learn.    So with my hand firmly holding the under side of the back seat and my other hand on the handle bars the first thing I taught him was to put his feet down, that that way he would not fall.  Next I told him to peddle, then put his feet down.  Little by little.  He's a really quick learner.  In no time at all he was riding all by him self and quickly realized that he could push him self to get going, and then his sister taught him how to slow the bike by peddling back wards.    And Bingo he's riding his bike and making turns and having a blast. 

  How do you celebrate your very first ride on the bike? 
Of course with Cotton candy ice cream.

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