Monday, March 18, 2019


No apologies for my usage of the word fuck.

March is turning in to a shit pit!  I've got dental work that needs to be done, and there is no way I can ride my bike with the pain I'm in.  Is there good new?  Sarcastically YES! I went back in and they moved the appointment from the 6th to the 4th.  So instead of 2 weeks and 5 days to go, I've got 2 weeks and 3 days.    I'm living off of ice cubes and no sleep.  I have a Opioid pain killer called Hydrocodone, does it work?  Fuck no.   Even when I was in the hospitable with my blood clot they were like don't worry the pain will lessen.  Oh really!    So yeah I don't have to worry about being addicted to something that does not even fucking work.    
Am I frustrated yes!  I worked over my bike to day like a mad hornet on crack, I'm not done, No!  

And guess what's coming up!   Oh yeah the Wild flower!   I want to do the 100 mile route.  So let see I just get the X rays at Jiffy Lube Dentist, then there going to enlighten me in what parts and services I need to be replaced and a possible oil change.  Make another appointment that will be probably another month out.   Have maybe two or if I'm lucky 3 weeks to train.   So yeah I'm not a happy camper. 

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