Saturday, March 9, 2019


Well I took my friend little 5 year old boy on his push bike to wild wood park to check out the gnarly hills.  This kids got a mountain bike sprite.  Yes he has a helmet, we forgot it.  Try looking at a 5 year old and saying no, when we get there, it's hard.   Just before we got there another little kid with a helmet on a bike was toddling around.  Well he was peddling fast and he got air and wiped out.  Poor guy and what is sad is they too just got there.  I watched his dad pack him and the bike off and they took off.  

 Been off the bike now for 1 week and 2 days.   I think that should be enough time to get rested up.   Is the cough gone.  Nope, I actually had a coughing spasm last night ugghhhh.   There is a group ride coming up 45 miles Scrambled love legs ride about 45 miles.   I want to do it, but my gut is saying no, so I'm going do a ride with Jenni and see what going on with my breathing.  In other news I found a surface blood clot on the back of my leg. It's bright cherry red, literally.  I'm prone to these, so far it's flat and not raised.   Lucky me.   If it raises then I'm going to be in some pain.  There harmless, but they are painful to the touch and clothing touching them.    Well now I know what set off my Bernard syndrome.   It burned a bit, but was not nearly as bad as it can get. Whew and a deep sigh of relief.  

Well on to the next ride.  

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