Sunday, June 2, 2019


 Well my hubby is doing the Mediterranean diet and I've been doing it with him.   And I didn't eat enough to day.  Got on my bike and my stomach was like OMFG are you serious your doing a bike ride and all you had is one serving of pasta with a few shrimp and veggies.   I never eat a gel on a short ride.  Hell I can go about 45 miles with out feeling hungry sometimes. Not today.  I had one about 15 miles in.   I was feeling so not energized I ended stopping by Winco and picking up a roasted chicken thigh,  nom nom nom.   Got back on the bike and took off again.   The rest of the ride was not easy, from feeling starved to now feeling full.   So I slogged along for the rest of the ride.  
I'm not knocking the Mediterranean diet.   But it's just I think I need to eat a little more, before I take off. 
 Lot's of people at 1 mile.

 Had a nice visit with Dan, from North Valley Ride Club. 
When I taking this picture I was wondering if we were going to have a thunder later on and now as I'm typing this I'm sitting out side I'm watching a thunder storm with lightning in the distance.   

 Clowning around after getting grilled on I love Cycling VIP for not going to the clippy side.

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