Friday, June 28, 2019


 Another great day and yes I'm wearing sunglasses on top of regular prescription glasses.  OMFG!!!!! It's the end of the world.  LOL.   Apparently some people can't deal with it.  

I'm going to join the North Valley Ride Group tomorrow for a early morning ride.  

In later news I got chased by a dog today a very young and fast dog.  LMAO  He escaped his owner yard and came after me like a bullet.    17 mph fast, but 21 mph was a bit too much for him.    I tried to lead him back around the block back to the house, but I dropped him.    I caught up with the owner who was laughing.  Good thing there was no traffic.    When the dog came back you could tell it was like uh oh I'm in big trouble.  It was crawling on it belly and it's head was hung low.   
Very quiet up at Horse Shoe lake.
 Look who I ran into.   Miranda one of the WOW members. To end the day we did a short ride together.  

No she's not that short.  She was sitting low on her bike.

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