Friday, June 14, 2019


 I'm not feeling so hot.  Between getting stung under my ear by a bee/hornet  I really don't know. The initial hit was painful, then it went away and now it tight and so sore.  
 Same day I sliced my right foot behind the pinky toe pretty deep.  So that stings when I walk on it.
And for the final finally.  I've stopped the Dutch Mochas and are drinking Americano's that is teamed up with the Diet.    So I'm been feeling bleh.    

So yeah I feel like this.    And Oh yeah one more thing my Plantar fasciitis well and active on the bottom of my left foot.  But that been going on for a while.  I just got some new shoes so that will take care of that. It flares up and goes away.  

Ice pack for my face and left and right foot.  And a pound of sugar with a spoon in it and I should be fine.   

What the next ride?   Bizz Johnson trail this Sunday. Working on trying to get a ride. 

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