Sunday, September 22, 2019


Another Fantastic ride hosted by Jenni.  If you missed a awesome ride this was it.   
The first five photo's are Jennies
photos.  A little out of order.
 It so much fun riding with this two powerful ladies.  
The only person who takes photo of me.  <3    I'm not very photogenic on the bike

Janelle and me warming up by the fire at the Out Post in Butte Meadows.  It was cold.
Stirling City.
At the end of our ride. 

 Got up early.   At 4:00 am not by my choice.  I have a four footed white alarm clock called Kahlua.   So I cat napped until 6:00am and left out the door at 6:30 am to meet up with Jenni and Janelle. 
 Beautiful sky this morning.
 And here we are at Paradise Lake getting ready to go.  I was so nice and cool up there and it was overcast with clouds.  The perfect day for a bike ride.
 A little gazebo.
 Waiting to see if any body else shows up.  No one did.
 Paradise lake.

 Off we go.

 LOL Someone like basket ball.

 Stirling City.
 Black berries were amazing.

 Leaving Stirling City.

 Enter and quickly leaving Inskip.

 Butte Meadows!!!

 Warming up by the fire.
 Just money on the ceiling.
 Nom Nom nom

 Just goofing off. 
This is what we really thought of the ride.

OMG why did I invite them.  What was I thinking.
 Did we have to do this awful ride.
 I want my refund right now.
 On our way back.

We are all tried and sore. It was a good 51 mile ride.

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