Saturday, September 7, 2019


So excited my Jersey is here.  My hubby surprised me by getting this for me.  And believe me it was a shock!
Poor hubby was sweating bullets because it was taking so long to get here.  Well now we know, it was shipped from France.  
 Yes I'm Primal & Fucking Magical.

Love the stickers I got. 
 YES!!!!!!!!    It fits over my girls.   But now for the weird part, it fits super tight around my arms.   (???) never had that happen before.   So before I can wear it, I'm going to have to have the arms widened a bit.  Because there so tight it would cut off circulation to my arms.   So a few adjustments and were good to go.  

Now for the really funny part.  In the photo on line, they do not show the side of the jersey!    So when I saw Be Brave I lost it laughing.   My favorite coffee shop here is Brave Coffee.  So yes! Yes I will be Brave.  

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