Monday, November 18, 2019


 Just a short easy morning ride.  Wanted to do a little bit longer, but my back tire was starting to wobble, not a lot, but enough to make me think the spokes were lose.   So the closes place I was to was  North Rim.  He tighten it up and I was on my way.   What no flat. So far so good.  Maybe my flat streak is done. 

I'm doing to much better this month than what I did last month. This year last time I only managed 54.00 miles.    I just got to 265.98 miles.   Not great, but better than nothing.   

 I took a whole bunch of photo for hubby, so he can update his face book cover.    This is not all of them. LOL   

 My hubby was the instigator today.   

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