Monday, November 25, 2019


 Well I almost back out of doing a ride, because I was not feeling too good.  So hubby took off with out me and I stayed behind.   Then I was like shit, I've got to do a ride. So I jumped on the bike and took off.  It was super windy today.  19 mile wind with gust up to 32 mph.   It makes climbing and going down hill interesting.

Well I was not the only bad ass out on my bike today. OMG! Hubby rocked it today.  He road to Durham and back, but then kept going and got 25 miles in.  Whhhaaaa!    
I was not a easy day for cycling and he killed it.
 Headed up Chico Canyon rd.
 I took it easy this time I only did two laps here and one lap up Dog leg.  And that does not include all the other little hills I did. 

 Pretty clear you can see the coastal range.

I decided that sense I was only going to do it once I would start at the bottom.
 So yeah it was a sore day.  Riding into gust that whip your bike back and forth is not fun.  And going down hill all of a sudden feels like your going super slow, because of the wind.   I'm tired.

Well crap there was a smug on the camera from my gel and it ruined the rest of the pictuers.    I thought it was humidity and it would not wipe away. I just kept on smearing it.   Until I got home and really wiped it off.

The best part of the day is sitting down to home made vegetable cream soup in a bread bowl.   mmmmmmmm.   

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