Saturday, November 2, 2019


 Awesome day today.   This photo is from the second half of my ride.  
 Dang a de dang dang dang. We had a lot of people ready to suffer.
I counted 38 people including all the ones that joined along the way.  There could have been easily 40 people on this ride.

Riders A 24 mph
Riders B 21 mph
Riders C 17 mph

The guy laying down made me laugh so hard.  I was not expecting that.  I was trying to beat the sun from ruining the shot.

So this is me taking off this morning. It was chilly.
The Daft Punk Speed Demons.
GROUP A   (?)

 Group C  There was just 4 of us.
 I learned this one from Jenni
 I leaned this one from hitting the button too soon.  DO'H
Gaaaaa!    I'm a rat!
Well so far it's been a rat, kangaroo, werewolf and California quail.

I balance the camera on my helmet pointed backwards to take photos.

 Getting to the half way point of the over pass.  Or what I have dub it.
Piss Pass.   Because well think about it.  LOL

 Taking a break.
 Well I thought I was going to be flying out the door.  And got a rude awakening when both my thighs seized up.  O~U~C~H!    Then it went away and I was fine.  So I decided to stay at the back.
They did a rotating pace line, I opted out, but I did not draft.  
I'm use to riding by my self.
 So yeah about 1 mile into Nelson, I felt something wrong. Something squishy wrong.    As I'm watching group C ride off into the distant.   Chris E gave a great speech about sticking together.  I had hope, hope kept on going.
So here I am with my front tire really super low.   Flat!  So I'm thinking to my self I really don't want to change it.   So I get the pump out and start pumping.    And it's not great, but I can ride.  And I'm thinking to my self at any moment it could  just go flat really fast.   So I'm waiting and pumping and waiting.  So it was a really slow leak.

Pumping away. 

 I made it to the Midway and it was super squishy.     So pump it up like a mad woman.
 I made it to Durham.   Stop by to get water and pump it again and something happened it was holding.  YEEEESSSSSS!  Happy Dance.   Low but holding, better than nothing.

 I B lined it right to Beatniks for food.  My breakfast was a cup of yogurt.
 Nom nom nom.   I was only able to eat half of this.  

 First half of the ride today.

 Second half.   Took off with hubby.

Oh I should mention.  I usually keep 100 pounds of pressure in my tires.  The front on should have had 100 pounds in it. When I got home it only had 45 pounds or pressure.  YIKES!   It might of been 50, but I saw 40.  

I pumped it up to 100 and took my chances with the second ride. If I got that far on a low tire, I wanted to see if it would last for another ride.   But tomorrow morning is going to be the real test.  

 I do believe this is the fastest I've done 80 miles in.  Last recording I have it's at 6 hour 30 minutes. 

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