Tuesday, January 31, 2017

37.2 miles. Airen Great Ride. :D :D

 Feeling good today so I push my self.  

Well my mother in-law decides she wants to ride tomorrow, so I can't contest.    

 And I'm loving my $8.00 ear warmer.   YES!  For a while their my ears felt like they were going to fall off.  This is so warm and it dose not interfere with my helmet.  Love it. 
 Well now!  I think I'll wait right here until this is all over.  Their removing all the down trees in the park.  Lot's of trees fell.

Took a picture 8.6 miles into the ride, could not see the screen so I just point and click and hoped it turned out.


 Hey were the little lizard I forgot to up load it yesterday. Tiny lizard.

 Very tiny lizard.  Cute. 

 Sporting my new bracelet :) .  Can you guess what it is.   Yes I love it. 

 Ok now for the stats.

Monday, January 30, 2017


I don't know what going on, but their is some bad juju going round for that last 2 1/2 weeks.   One of my oil paintings got slashed with a dinner knife, I seen lot of people being given the middle finger and posting with their middle fingers,  and the crazy lady that was pushing me off into the grass, were their was no path. ??????
To add to that I got another dinner size helping of hate.  Trump infectious personality is spreading.  

   Just started off on my ride, cross the street and spied a baby lizard sunning it self on the curb of a inner path, that is about 4 feet from the road and there is school children very close to were I am.   I'm next to a school.   Anyway a lady in a car comes along side the curb, I glance over the women is giving me the biggest middle finger and yelling at me at the top of her lungs.  FUCK YOU!  FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!      (????????)   What the, talk about Deer caught in the head lights.   I did not recognize her car or her.    It was totally out of left field and I know the kids heard that.   And her anger,  it was as thought I had just killed her puppy dog right in front of her.   DANG! What a way to start a ride.

 Any hoo.   Took the pain cave up to horse shoe lake and did 6 reps up the hill.   2 at a time with a break in between.   While I was going back an forth, their was a team of people walking around with long tape measures.  My curiousness got the best of me and I ask them what they were doing.    They were surveying all the trails in the park to make sure they were safe.  With all the flooding I guess some of the trails might have been wiped out.  Interesting never the less.    

Well I was not the wind, I did not go fast, in fact I went really slow.    6 time up the hill and a bike that has problems I was crawling.     And my speedometer is not loose, it needs a new battery.   Well all in all it was still a great day for a ride I didn't let the hick up bother me.    Going to go on a bike ride with my mother in law tomorrow so that should be fun.   

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Well here I am cycling in the Alps.  :)   No photo shop here, none what so ever.   Line's what lines, your seeing things.  
Yup that right this is a 99.9% real photo of me riding in Europe.  

Today my top speed was 55 miles an hour.  Due to a glitch in both my camera and my speedometer, I can not show you.  Bummer.    In fact I was feeling so good  I actually took the bike right up the mountain.    It was easy breeze.  The poor guy in the photo didn't have a chance.   
So what part didn't you believe?

Ok time to fess up.  I just took a break today.  

Saturday, January 28, 2017

19.0 miles Airen

Road out to the airport with hubby today. 
We could see Mt Shasta as clear as a bell with our own eye's.   It's the white speck in the middle of the photo.  

Mt Shasta might appear further in way in picture than when looking at it in real life. 

Oh and I learned something cadence is AVGRPM & MAXRPM   so I'm not dead.  

Friday, January 27, 2017

21.8 Miles Airen. 26.3 MPH TOP SPEED!

Feeling really good :) :) :)

Yeah 26.3 miles an hour.  This is my competitive side coming out.   I had another cyclist who was  decked out, the full on jersey, shoes, shades and on top of it all he was very skinny, he had that classic square jaw.    He was behind me for a full 2 1/2 miles and caught up with me because I stopped and ate a cliff bar and took a drink of water.  He passed me with the smug look of she,s too tired to go on. 

Well I caught up with him and passed him, it
 it took him a while to catch up with me and when he finally did I unleashed my competitive side on him and zoom by him like he was standing still.    For a split second I saw the 26.3 and was naaaaa it must have been 25.  But when I stop to check   AHHH   LOL      I think I sustained the speed for about a half of a minute, maybe a little longer.  ;)        Why is going fast so fun.   
Hey look I got above 14.0 :)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

12.34 miles & Dreaming of cookies. :)

 This is one happy hubby.  And yes he's dreaming about his avocado chocolate chip cookies.  I was feeling under the weather this morning, but my hubbies excitement for his jersey got me up and out the door.

However we stopped by a favorite coffee spot for some yummy perk me up, I needed it.   I felt blah at the beginning and better toward the end.  
 This is my view now when we bike ride.  :)     His jersey says Ride bike, Eat Cookie. 

A lady pasted by in a car and saw his jersey and yelled out "Right On"!   And gave him a big thumbs up.   LOL    He's going to be the talk of the town with this Jersey.       

 Decided to up the training.   Tree Biking.  No not really, I choose life. 

Hey look I my bike is freaking clean.  I'm tooth bush it and am taking care of it.

I'm egging Chris to get a new bike, not a road bike, but another Diamond Back like he has.  He really needs a new bike.  

Me & my Cookie Monster.   And the photo below is our first 51 miles together.  
I think my chin has gone down some.  But I will not lose it.  At age 16 at size 8, I still had a chin.   My dad's nickname for me was baby face.   Oh well.      

I looked crazed.     

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

12.8 miles Airen

Hubby goes to class later on today. :)   So we both got a 12.8 mile ride in.   
12.8 miles
12.8 AVG-S
24.0 MAX-S
830 Calories
2.5 Co2
109 Total Distance.
7 hr Total Time.
68  MAXRPM     

Monday, January 23, 2017

23.2 Airen 289.94 miles

Was stuck at the Dentist office today having filling done all I can say the whole time I was sitting in the chair of DOOM, my mind was on the bike.   My legs were not happy, my body was not happy and my face was in pain.  They always have to shoot me up with extra pain killer.  As soon as the torture was over me and my chipmunk face took off and Yes I hoped on the bike and Yes it felt good and it made me feel better.    

The ride started out cold, but it got warmer toward the middle of the ride.  It was a rather nice day, considering it was overcast and the weather report has called for rain all this week.

Hubby's back to the grind or school life.  So that's that.  :(   

Oh Yeah almost forgot did 2 reps up the hill.  Practicing with the Airen.     And OMG it's so easy.  Love it.  ;)

96 miles sense I got this contraption working and 289.94 miles for both bikes since I got my Airen.