Ahhhh back in the saddle. Feeling awesome with hubby. I really hate the feeling of not riding, it really sucks. The sun came out and we were really feeling good. We started out with a 14.2 mile ride, I was on the Pain Cave. We both did 4 times up the hill too. That felt great.
I recently got a Omax 40x-2000x Microscope for my hubby, so now when we go on our bike ride he carries some collection vials with him and when we stop we look around and take samples. So when we get back to the apartment we get to see things up close and personal. Really cool.
Half way through the first ride I was ready starting to think about riding the other bike. LOL So when we got home I took a little break and hopped on the Airen for a second round. Hubby stayed home and used his microscope.
I was kind of bummed just a little, I had my new speedometer hooked up and it's not working, so I'm going to have to watch a tutorial and try to figure it out. And top of that my other speedometer stopped working and it's not old either.
I'm getting better on figuring out how to shift gears. Their is no visual, so it's all base on remembering how many clicks this way and that way.
Did I mention I love my bike. Looking forward to tomorrow.
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