Saturday, January 21, 2017

14.2 miles Pain cave.

  • SSE 20 mph
  • Gusts: 37 mph
 To days ride was really hard, Windy, windy and more wind from every direction, well not really, but it seemed like it.   And it was really over cast too, by the time we got home the temperature dropped and it started to rain, so we really lucked out.  Whew.     

Me and my hubby taking a break at our favorite spot.
I really need to take the pain cave in for a check up, It's starting to feel like when I broke the axle. :(    Twice??  The first time is because of all the riding I did, I wore it down so much it snapped in half.   So I'm hopping it's not broken.  I slogging along while my hubby speeded ahead of me like the wind, just like the second time we when to Paradise.  So we'll see what going on with my bike.
  •  Yeah you could say it was windy. 
Hubby making me look bad.  
Talk about prefect timing.  The guy running with the dog in the back ground. 
It's only 3 miles to the hill I practice going up.  I did 5 reps today and it was a Dog-plosion.    Two women with three unleashed dogs were right behind me and I ask her your dogs don't chase bike do they and she said no, my dogs arn't like that.  Then she followed up well Sam might follow you.     Well like I said Dog-plosion.   Yeah her dog's don't chase bikes, but they got into it with other dogs who were leashed.  It was funny. Every one had such control of their dogs...NOT!   All I can do is shake my head.   But I did learn something from a passer by.    Upper park you can let your dog off the leash, but once you step on to pavement you are by law required to leash your dog.   But who enforces it?   
Hubby waiting for me to finish up my reps. 
Hey look who was back at it.  The kayak people.  They were just going in.  
See that yellow speak in the middle of the picture that is my hubby.   LOL  So yeah I really need to take this bike in. 

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