Wednesday, January 11, 2017

12.32 miles (And the weather man get's payed for what?)

Ok now I am thoroughly confused. When I posted my last blog and checked the local weather it stated rain for another 7 days with a short break.  Woke up this morning to the sun shinning.  When back to look at the weekly forecast and now it 5 day of sun and clouds with no rain. ?????    Jumping for joy.  
The dark picture is yesterday and the bright picture is today.  Find the round table for reference.  

I do believe it's been two week with out riding. :(  :(   And yeah it sucked.

Did not use my road bike, it's just too muddy, and way to many stick and what not littering the path.  And after two weeks of not riding, yeah we did not go fast.   Oh well.     

 Nope not riding under the bridged. 

This is usually a dry creek bed.  This is the first time I've seen it full of water.
    And the spill way is open.   WOW!      

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