Thursday, January 26, 2017

12.34 miles & Dreaming of cookies. :)

 This is one happy hubby.  And yes he's dreaming about his avocado chocolate chip cookies.  I was feeling under the weather this morning, but my hubbies excitement for his jersey got me up and out the door.

However we stopped by a favorite coffee spot for some yummy perk me up, I needed it.   I felt blah at the beginning and better toward the end.  
 This is my view now when we bike ride.  :)     His jersey says Ride bike, Eat Cookie. 

A lady pasted by in a car and saw his jersey and yelled out "Right On"!   And gave him a big thumbs up.   LOL    He's going to be the talk of the town with this Jersey.       

 Decided to up the training.   Tree Biking.  No not really, I choose life. 

Hey look I my bike is freaking clean.  I'm tooth bush it and am taking care of it.

I'm egging Chris to get a new bike, not a road bike, but another Diamond Back like he has.  He really needs a new bike.  

Me & my Cookie Monster.   And the photo below is our first 51 miles together.  
I think my chin has gone down some.  But I will not lose it.  At age 16 at size 8, I still had a chin.   My dad's nickname for me was baby face.   Oh well.      

I looked crazed.     

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