It was glare nation. LOL What ever. It was a great ride. I made my goal of not stopping till the second rest stop of 35 miles. But I steered clear of going into it. I did not want to be tempted in eating something my stomach might not agree with. Or the other thing I was thinking of having a full stomach and trying to ride. So I ate a cliff bar got off the bike and stretched. I also did a lot of stretching on the bike, that felt so good. Had to make sure no one was around me.
They don't call it the Flat flower for nothing, wow flat, flat and more flat. Going was easier, but coming back was a little more challenging. Their was a head wind. I push my
self really hard as I always do, but around 45 I started to feel the burn and get fatigued. I managed to join a pace line. They were super nice. I was focused, so I hope they didn't think I was a jerk. They ended up leaving me behind. No big deal. I had to slow down and take a few breaks.
But here the results. I've done 60 ish miles 3 times.
1. 4:00 65 miles April 30th. 2017
2. 4:14 61 miles April 9th 2017
3. 4:22 61.2 Miles January 1st 2017
I did not stay for the feed. I want to eat things that my stomach is use to.
Their is a few more pictures to come. But I don't have them yet.
Managed to join a pace line. They were really nice. I feel kind of bad, because I was focused and concentrating so I was a tad rude. :( But they got their revenge they left me behind. ;)
If your wondering this is down hill. So I cheated.