Friday, April 14, 2017

50.1 miles & 28 miles.

   What a great day today.    I started the day with a 15 mile ride thought the park.  Then was excited to hear that my hubby had got back from Chico State really early.   So I asked him how far he wanted to go and he was up for Butte College.  :)  Because he was caught up with everything.   Ya!

Wanted to join a group for a ride, guess they wanted to ride alone, never answered back.  No hurt feelings.   My motto is Just ride.  So that what we did.    So proud of hubby for being a trouper, he has not did a long ride in quite a while.  I think he was ready for it. 

Now for the really weird part, check this out.  Last time I got shocked coming and going underneath the wires.  I totally lucked out and guess who was getting zapped.   He never believe me, now he does.  LOL

The ride out was amazingly nice. I'm crossing my fingers cross that it stays this nice during the Wild Flower and not sizzling hot.  

Well the ride would have been prefect, we came around a corner and their was two dead animals, a hawk. :(    And something else that stunk to high heaven.   YUCK!    And to top that off a big huge white truck came way to close to us ( he did this on purpose)  He laid on the gas and it was diesel, so we were bath in a huge cloud of black smoke.   This was no accident.  While cycling I have come to learn the warning signs.  Huge 
trucks bearing American Flags & really expensive cars stay away from and avoid at all cost.  That lady that was freaking out on me that one time and trying to run me off the road into the grass, she was driving a BMW.      
 This is just my observation.  I have yet to be run off the road by a junker or Me-de-oaker car.    Yeah we were pissed about what he did, but not much we could do expect cough and hack.

It's people like this that don't give a rats ass about cyclist.  No amount of telling is going to wake them up.  The most you'll get out of them is for them to look you in the face and tell you to fuck off.    

This is were I would need a gun that shoot a nice spike right into the side of his car.   Opp's I did I hit your car?  I'm so so sorry.   NOT!    Oh well.
Road behind hubby to keep my self from leaving him behind.   

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