Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Ya you their staring at the screen.  :) 

Well getting all my rod's replaces on my back wheel with bigger and better rods aka spokes. Thanks to Bike Dr Mike.  Thank you.   I guess I just have too much torque in my legs...or...??   So tomorrow no riding.  :( :(  Got to run some car care errands and who know how long that going to take.

This is so true when I attended boot camp at Fit One in 1997, I really open my eyes to the true potential of what I am capable of.  Out of 65 troops I was at the top and not only got a certificate of completion I also got a glass framed award honoring my steadfastness and determination.  As for spelling and grammar,  we won't go their.  ;) 

Fit One which no longer exist, was hard core fun. I was 23 not fit, but able to keep up, yeah I was heaving and hawing, but I could keep up.  One thing I will say I didn't lose any weight, even thought it was a hard core hurting trial of not falling over, not one pound, I don't remember having loser pants.   We got up at 5:00 am in the morning and each troop have 5 people.  If one member of your troop was late 100 push ups, or jumping jacks.   Thought the grape vine and over the years, the rumor was that that class I was in was the toughest.   The first thing the drill sergeant said to us was.  I want no cry babies, no whining, no sniveling no nothing, if I hear any of that I'm going to giving your money back and send you packing.   Which he did.  Two of the other women broke down and started crying, because at the time we were doing 3 miles with a 100 pound log, four people per log.    Talk about intense and heavy.

And again I really don't care what people believe, but I know that I did it and the shock look on the people faces are the pay off.   Oh top of having every one show up on time I forgot to mention we also had to go out around the building and carry said 100 log into the gym, to build unity as a team.   No one showed up for my group, I was the only one and if that log was not on the floor holy shit.
I ran out to the log and was like shit, shit, double shit.   Think.   I could lift in onto my shoulder doing a squat and pushing up, and I managed to get to the middle of the log, but I could not balance it.  So as the other teams were leaving me behind a nice guy saw what I was trying to do and he balanced for me, so I could stand up.  RHAWWWW!  Yeah RHAWWW!    I walk it balanced into the gym that was about  more than a few yards away.   And no I did not drop it. I set it down gently.    And it's not the first time people have called me Wonder Woman.  ;)   That name seems to trail me.  LOL

But back to the saying above.  With me it's almost like out of mind out of body.  When I am in pain I seem to be able to shift my mind into another place,  no it's not full proof, but just enough for me to be very (highly uncomfortable ) like on a bike seat after 75 miles and to keep going and going.  Focusing is another thing I am really good at and that also plays a big part.  In book camp we had to scoop gravle to make mounds, which team had the biggest mound won.  Note this is not gavel you just scoop up with a bucket.  This really needed a shovel.  We were not given shovels or buckets.   GO!  Me Shit!   So with out thinking I started using my hand as shovels and filling my shirt with as much gravel, we each took turns.  My team won and it was not till we were don't did I look at my hand.  Bloody yes.         

 Back then I as 23, now I'm 42, but it's just a number and that number does not define me or what I can do.  

Looking forward to my next ride.  

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