Wednesday, April 19, 2017

44.1 miles

Update.  I was five miles off.  So 44.1 miles and not 49.  

Awesome day today!!!!    And my speedometer got knock off, so no photo's :(
12.1 miles warm up.
5 miles getting their with the addition of riding around looking for a bathroom, which I found at the dance studio.
23 miles Fun 50
4 miles home.   So yeah today was a good ride.

Got to join the Fun 50 day and it was a blast.  :)    And I got to be in my first pace line, along with leading the pack for more than a few stretches.    The group I was with was very nice and very informative, about how to ride and what to do along the way.  Learning some new hand signals and bark commands for how to cross the rode safely.    Got a Awesome Job from the leader, so I'm happy.     
 Very interesting being so close to the back tire, had to really pay attention and this caused me to grip the handle bars tighter than normal. I was very nerve wracking, but I think I can get use to it.   I think I am going to stick with the Fun 50, because I need more practice.   At first I was undecided, but know I see that is where I need to be.  

The ride was great, but I have to admit I was not prepared for being on the bike seat with out getting off for the full 28 miles.     OWwww~~~~~    When I ride though the park I take a break get off and walk across the bridge.  Well out there their were no bridges with people on it on this ride.   My butt was on fire.  We did take a small break, but it was very small, did not included getting off the bike.   I did some stretches on the bike and that did help.   

About 3 miles toward the end of the ride I was getting tired and the rain was not helping me at all. The drops were hitting me in the eyes and the salt was burning my eyes, so yeah it was really hard to see.  Especially with having glasses, but other wise my legs were fine, sore but fine.   Not sore like doing 75 to 80 miles, just sore.   

 One of the guys got a flat tire so we lost two members, because the other guys decided to make sure he got back safely.    Kind of felt bad for him.     Go go go, then a flat.  :(   That got to suck.  

We ran acorss some wild turkeys that was pretty cool.  But thinking in the back of my mind, note to self keep attention off of wild life and keep pace.  Safely first.  

Toward the end of my ride these to guys tried to knock me off the bike, I fought back and they sprayed me with water and one guy tried to steal my spokes on my bike.    Oh the agony.....  No not really.  Nothing like that happened just giving someone a hard time.   Actually the two people in question are really nice and would never do anything like that.    

But now for the real one.  Bleh.  On my way home a guy on a bike waves his arms for me to pass first, and the idiot speed up.   I made a huge wide half circle around him, I knew he was up to no good.  How did I know.    He looked miffed like dang that didn't work. Sorry jerk, not in the mood.  

Came home and hubby had dinner all made.   Mmmmmm   Nice way to end a great ride.     


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