Thursday, April 27, 2017


 Ahhhh the faces of shock and utter disbelief when people realize what I can do.   These are the faces I thrive off.  I love seeing people go WTF?     Yeah the Fat Chick on the bike can move. Because I do not have the traditional cyclist physique.     I've had so many people just stop and stare at me like wait this is not suppose to be happening.    And here some scary to think about.  I'm fast now and weight 255.  If I lose more weight I'll be lightning on two wheels.  BWAHHHAHAHAHA!     But I'm not their yet. 
I've got to build up more stamina.  I remember when I could do 14 mph only for a little ways before being winded and totally out of breath.  
I can do 25 to 26 mph for a 1/2 mile, but the more I practice the better I'll get.  

 WOW Yesterdays ride really catapulted me into a riders high today. Today I was feeling really super good.    Happy, Happy, Happy.  I could not resist getting one the bike and trying to do a small ride of 21.7 miles.     But now I'm going to be smart and take two day break.    Two hard ride and now two days of rest, to recuperate.    I want to be fresh for the Chico Velo. Flat flower 60.  I want to be their early right at the 7:00.    I Doubt anyone will ride with me... oh well. Nothing I'm not use to.        3 More days till the ride.  

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