Tuesday, July 18, 2017

12.5 MILES

Feeling better.   Went a little faster this time.   I went exactly 1 months 2 week and 2 days of not breaking any spokes aka rods.  When I got home and just rolled up to the door I heard pop, look down and shook my head. 

Well in other news I have more weight, but now for the really weird part, I've gained muscle so it kind of cancel the weight loss part out.  Kind of.  I research it on line and it is possible to lose weight out out losing weight in numbers.   Sound confusing, it is confusing.   I really thought I was not losing any more weight, but I did some reference pictures and compared them to older reference pictures and yup I've gone down.  

And still in other news.  I've been sticking to home made coffee Yaaa!   165 calories instead of 425 calories.  I have not had a Dutch Brothers in
6 days.   So yeah I'm still drinking coffee, but I'm crossing my finger and hoping this will last.

Going to take my bike to the Bike Dr Mike tomorrow to get the rod fix tomorrow.   And dang it just occurred to me, I rode inside the park yesterday and low and behold a spoke breaks.  I've got to stay out of the park on the road going to 1 mile, that's the problem, too many pot holes.  

Oh one more thing I totally rock.  I came around a corner at 18 miles an hour, got blinded by the sun and road right into a section of lose gravle.  And I stayed on the bike with out falling off.  
As soon as I realized my mistake I stopped peddling and went with the momentum of the bike and let the bike just keep going until it got out of the gravel and back onto the pavement.  Yeah I was scared, but I just went with the flow.

690 calories. 

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