Tuesday, July 11, 2017

BLEHHHHH! 4 miles

Well either I got to much sun or I'm not getting enough deep sleep.   Got up early this morning at 6:30 to do a early morning ride and well got 4 miles at an average speed of 12.1 and well yeah.   I felt like shit.  In fact so bad I almost fell off the bike.  👀   My whole body was in protest and I was not feeling the love at all.  If I need to take a bit more time off, no big deal.   Heck 55 more miles and I have reached my goal for this month.   Considering the heat, I'm happy.   

The last thing I want to do is push my self over the limit and then burn out.   I read stories were burn out and when you burn out you really burn out and then your not riding the bike.   So I take care of my self first.  If I feel like this tomorrow I might not being doing the Fun 50.   I hope I feel better tomorrow.      

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