Weight loss is a staging journey to understand how your own body functions and it a trial and error.
People are overwhelmed with Diets, diet's this diet's that & did I mention more diets. Ginger water diet, South Beach Diet, Adkins Diets, 33 Diet and the list goes on forever. Then there is Weight watchers and clinics that pander to people in desperate need. And the sad part is they end up gaining weight while there on the program. And when they quit they gain even more weight, doubling after they quite.
Weight loss is a learned skill that a person must learn, it can't be bought. You have to do it your self, find a system that work for you and stick to it, fine tuning it a long your own personal journey.
This is what I have done.
1. No diet.
2. Do not have any snacks, or junk food, ice cream, hanging around the house. (Period) Don't give your self an excuse to nibble, and eat empty calories.
3. Food adjustment. Meaning cutting out bread,condiments and other things that I do not need.
4. Stop over buying, because if you have too much it gives you an excuse to eat it.
5.Life is not about having a dessert after every meal and every time you shop treating your self. How ever you still can have these things, but make it once or twice a month.
6. Exercise. Do something every day that going to make you get out of breath and raise your heart beat. Push your self and when you reach that limit stop and cool down. Start small and work your way up.
7. Keep track of what you do. This is very important it give you reference to see your own progress.
The pictures above are exactly year and two weeks apart. And now for about ignoring the scale part. I have lost weight yet I have remained the same weight. Wait what? I have gain muscle mass and lost inches, but my weight has not changed. I know that sound strange, but it is true.
From Google:
It may sound strange, but it's possible to get thinner without actually seeing a change in your weight. This happens when you lose body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight may stay the same, even as you lose inches, a sign that you're moving in the right direction.
Another weird thing is you can drop pants sizes while remaining the same weight too. I've gone 4 pant sizes and still weight 255. So funny things happen and you just got to keep exercising and don't let the scale deter you.
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