Monday, July 31, 2017

ON MY WAY TO 400 miles for the whole month of July.

 WOW What great way to end this month.  All I have to do is ride just 13 more miles and I'll be at 400 miles.  Compared to last year I only did 158.16 miles.  So yeah I'm feeling happy. 

I swear there is always something gone on in the park.  I saw two cops standing by a car with two tiny toddlers alone in the car with the window up and no parents in site.  That is super scary and super sad.  When I past back around the cop and car were gone. The parents are probably going to have to deal with social services.  Big no no leaving kids in the car when it's this hot.

And I'm so happy that this month I finally broke free from the park and am actually cycling with cyclist.  Ever time I would ride in the park, that is all I would think about, when am I going to go some place else other than the park.    But in retrospect I'm really glad I practice riding in the park.  1. I am a expert at missing pot holes.  2.  It has help me practicing breaking fast.  I can easily stop very quickly at speed of 18 to 20 miles an hour.   In fact I had to do that today.  3. Having people, dog's and kids keep me on my toes.   So yeah cycling thought the park for me is very helpful for cycling skills.  

Looking back at our ride to Paradise the second time my speedometer average.  10.5
And on the current ride to paradise it averaged. 
13.6.  Hell yeah!     I'm improving. 

So here is my new goal for August. 
204.05 miles.   
Can't wait to see what August holds for me. 

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