Monday, January 8, 2018

7.8 Miles & 1 HOUR 10 MINTUES IN THE GYM.

Trying to get back into the routine of exercising.  Doing the hill climbing last Sunday yeah it was hard, but it reset my legs and they would not shut I was like time to go to the gym.   No I did not ride in the rain, I got on one of the stationary bikes and peddle a whopping 7 miles.   I also did squats with the medicin balls, but I need to start working on my mid section too.
Working out felt good and I do believe my ache in my chest is not my lungs, but rather just sore muscle from all the coughing I did.  So that's a good thing.    No racquetball today.   But I am feeling better.   I'm positive the more I exercise the better I'll feel and pretty soon I'll be back to my old self. 
So  January 2018 is starting out slow.  No big deal.  I just end it with a big finish. ;)  I'll cycle to Mt Everest and Back.  
Looking forward to the 21 and riding up Clark Rd.   What every happens, happens.  I'm crossing my finders that my breathing with be better and I won't be wheezing all the way up.    In other news I have cleared 5000 miles of riding as of today, sense I started this crazy adventure.  For me that's pretty cool, with or without a stash.   

The new word of the day because I can. 
STASHTACULAR:    When you complete a awesome ride with more than five people who also have stashes.        

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