Sunday, January 21, 2018




Spent the day in Fort Bragg and it was really nice weather.

As we walked into the coffee shop a whole bunch of cyclist were out side drinking coffee so I said Hi.  They were called Seniors on Bikes.   
Here the group relaxing.  And check this out the lady in the blue parka and her husband behind her. There son owns Boradori Automotive and they've seen my window painting.  Small world.  WOW!
The head cyclist!  I forgot his name.
Coastal trees.

Cyclist crossing a really cool bike bridge.



Found a hobbit hole under the main road.   How cool is that.

 A rock in the middle of a bike path?   ROCK UP!  I guess they don't want people speeding.  

 Oh yeah and there was a fire.  Two fires actually, this is one of them.   There was nothing left of the small house and it was arson.

After all the walking and exploring had Thai food.   Yummy.

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