Sunday, January 14, 2018


Did some digging into DVT, Varicose vein & Cycling.    As of right now the pain has been with me sense the Hill Climbing on the 7th, but it was not that intense as it is now and it's in my inner thigh.  And to add to the pile of shit, there is my Bernard Roth syndrome, Obturator Nerve Entrapment, and superficial thrombophlebitis Blood clots on surface. 
Just give me a shovel already.  Geeeezzzz.

The Bernard Roth syndrome yeah it flares up, but it's been a while whew! The last time was Davie Kleins Spin class. LOL
The Nerve Entrapment, now this one can stop me dead in my tracks.  And the good new is the cycling has been really helping this one, hence the more cycling I do the better I can walk.   So I have not had a flare up in heck, way before I started this blog.  A few mini one, but not enough to bat a eye at.
Now for the DVT damage, Varicose veins and blood clots. This is the one that keep raising it's ugly head and me being me I have ignored the pain.  But there is good news!   I found a riding site called  Road Bike Rider or RBR.    or  Type into google Rode Bike Rider health deep vein trhomborsis.   It will be the second one down.    Good read. 
So I can still ride.  I just need to keep hydrated and stretch more.  So one foot forward one day at a time. I will get back on the bike soon ggrrrrrrrrrrr.   

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