Saturday, January 13, 2018


Well fuck de fuck fuck fuck!   I got up at 7:00 and was getting ready and the hubby police was up to and saw me limping around.   He didn't let me go, because I was actually in quite a lot of pain.  So like I said Fuck!  :(   I really wanted to go!    Now there has been quite a few rides were I faked being ok to get out the door. Shhh don't tell him that.  That how strong the desire to ride is.   Not divulging what rides they are, but one time when I did a spin class with David Klein I was slapping my thigh the whole time.  I think I drove him nuts and I was breaking the other peoples concentration.   LOL  I was slapping the crap out of my tight to create another pain to cancel the one that was already there.  
Well like I said I have one good leg and one bad leg.  If I had two good legs I would be blogging about the ride.  

Note: Hubby is glaring at me as I write this!   

The bad leg, I had a deep vein thrombosis in 2012 it lasted for 6th months and I got to do all the stuff that come along with it, rat poison and all the jazz.   Well you could say it really fuck up my leg, it did.   But considering the bike riding does help it immensely.   But the bad news is that it flares up with superficial clotting and other things that are unpleasant.   More than a couple of weeks ago on top of everything else I had a infection in that leg, so was taking medication for that.   So it is what it is, I have good days and bad days.  

In later news..... I screwed up again.   I stated that I had reaches 5000.00 for all time riding.  I was going over my notes last night and had added a 4 instead of a 5. So in actuality the cool news is that I actually reached 6000.00 miles.  

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