Thursday, July 12, 2018


 Finished up to day with another 24.36 miles to make it a total of 50.40 miles to day Ya!!! 
Yes it was a hot ride, but it was a shady ride.

 A Guy diving a FELT Cycling van passed me and gave me the shaka sign.  :D   I could not see him, but I saw his hand.
Some time people wave at me and I can't wave back because it happens so fast.  

 This little berries make the best jam (EVER).  It a real pill to make the jam, because the berry is full of very fine hair that you have to remove first, not fun or easy to do.  But eating one table spoon of rose hip jam is equivalent to eating 30 oranges.  This little berries are crammed to the brim with vitamin C.  
 It's a big bush.
 Ohhh pretty I have no idea what this is. It looks like a orchid, very beautiful.
 At first I thought it was a squash bush??? It looks like a squash.
 Some grass in seed.  
 Ahhhh shade.

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