Saturday, July 21, 2018


 It was 105ish and I got out there and did 40 miles I'm happy.
My new goal is to keep my water bottle filled with ice all the time.  I used to let it melt and drink warm water.  Ice is 100% better.  
This guy had a sprinkler on the side of the road and I took advantage of it, that felt really good.   
 The Eucalyptus leaves were sweating and it was turning into little deposits all over the leaves. 
 On of the trails into the park.
 On my way home found a Swallow tail butterfly in the middle of the road.  Didn't now if it had been knocked down.  Some time they get jarred around by a car, fall down, then take off again.  But no this one was dead.  So Beautiful.  
Even in death things can still have beauty.

 Just imagine for a moment were he was born, were he has flown.  How far he had flown.  Just to finally die next to a road.   I wonder how many people saw him and smiled. 
People smile at butterfly with out judgement, we need to learn from butterfly and start smiling at people we don't know.  It would make the world a better place. 

 Hmmm I'm standing at 5 mph.  I'm that fast.  LOL

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