Friday, July 6, 2018


 This is at the end of my ride, so it's a bit dark.   It was overcast and very humid for the very first part of the ride.  Overcast good.  Humidity bad, but as evening wore on it went away. 
 Before I went on my ride I did some black berry picking with hubby.
This was one of the flowers growing next to the black berry bush.  
 YUM!   On the coast these can get huge.  About the size of three thumbs and bigger. 
 Another plant with small trumpet flowers. 

 No water along the bike trail and lovely little plant just making there way along.
 There a beautiful big tan jumping spider right in the middle of the flower.   Cool.
 Now for the tiny jumping spider.   It's on the peddle to the right.  It so tiny.   But there big on personality. 
 Ok off I go.   Look at all those clouds, Ya!  But like I said humidity boo.

 The odd things you see while cycling.  The first time I saw this I was really concerned, were is the owner of the walker.   But I guess there is not concern to be worried.  It stays there for hours on end and they goes on it's way.  But it show up like clock work and will just sit there.  So someone is visiting someone.  But why leave it on the curb?  That the mystery. 

 Flowers are beautiful, but even after death they still radiate beauty.    They remind me of folded paper art work.
 The curbs must be going for a high price.  There a lizard on every one.  LOL    
 Ohhh pretty.    Like fairy wands.
 Cone flowers.  In different stages of bloom and dying. And there a bee.
 Yup the bike lane is also a parking lane.  This happens quite often.  Cars park and people text in there cars.  Well I can get that mad at her.  At least she parked and texing.

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