Saturday, July 7, 2018


 Yeah there clouds, but the humidity really sucked today.   This is my yuck humidity face. 

WOW what a crazy day.  I almost got creamed today. !!!!!
FUCK!    I stopped at the intersection and pushed the button to cross as I always do.   The walk sign came on and I had it in a high gear so it was slow going to get started.   Lucky for me!   A mini van with two elderly people going way to fast came out of no were and ran a stale red light.   If I had it in a easier gear....bye bye me!    So that how I started my ride today.   

I pissed another lady cyclist off really bad.  I passed her twice going fast.   She yelled  something at me, I don't think it was very nice.    She was going fast, but I was going faster so I Chicked flicked her :   When a women drops another women.    So that was fun.   LOL  She was really pissed, fat chick on a bike passed her.

 Well I stopped by Star Bucks by Winco, to get some ice water, all the fountains were yucky hot or really warm.  I was parched and very thirsty.
I walk up to the area were they hand out drinks and ask, do I have to wait in line for water?  She said yes and then adds we can't give you water unless you stand in line.  Ok no big deal, I get in line.    I turn around and a lady with 4 tumblers approaches the counter and ask her to fill them with ice water.  She avoids eye contact with me and fills all four, then at the end give me a nice big glare. (???)   I'm like shit I should have gotten in line behind that lady.    But what really got me was when it came to fill my water bottle she kept on skipping it and making other people drinks.  N I C E.. Mind you this was 15 minutes later,  So I reached over the counter grabbed my water bottle and went to Togo's.   On my way our of the parking lot I was hugging the curb, because the cars are erratic and a lady cut the corner and then glares at me like I'm taking up the whole road.  Seriously!  I'm so close to the curb
 have my foot on it.    I'm like rolling my eyes and going what next? 

I actually made it home. 

So Sunday and Monday are rest days.  

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