Tuesday, April 23, 2019


 This is the face of what happened to my long ride.  
Never the less it was still a great short mini ride. 

I started to day waking up to my bike with a back tire flat.  So I headed to Amain Cycling Store here in Chico to get it fix.  Drop it off and when I came back to pick it up.  Amain gifted me with a brand new tire and new tube.    WOW!  Felling warm and fuzzy inside.  

 My new tire compared to my old tire.
 Well I got 10 miles into my ride and ffssssssss instantly.  In fact so fast it bent my back rim a bit.
Just after this picture a very nice cyclist helped me install my spare so I could get home.   OMG he changed it so dam fast.  It was off and fix with in less than a minute.   Well I pumped up the new tube to see were it was leaking from and I do believe it had a defect, because it was leaking out of the bottom of the stem.  And it did not want to stay pumped up at all. 
 Really wanted to try out this Trail butter today.  But using it on a 12 miles bike ride seems silly.  I'll wait till I do a longer ride.

My speedometer is over the 7000 mark.

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