Thursday, April 18, 2019


 Well I finally wore my chain out, had to drop by North Rim and get a new one. 
The last time my chain wore out was 5/23/2018.   So this chain lasted 1 year and 2 months.

Well what can I say I'm doing Crank now.  It's a tough world and when nothing else works do drugs.


 Not real drugs.  LOL
This cranked I won at the Volunteer appreciation party. 
My option.   I really an not a fan of lemon.
But this was really good, in fact so good, I am going to see if I can get some more Crank and try the other flavors.   I really like the fact this had a very pleasant, not overbearing lemon flavor and the best part it had no unpleasant after tastes.  There is one called Hammered, I'm not a fan of it.  But hey it's my taste buds, not yours.  Try it you might like it.

OMG Jenni!    I was riding around a round about and you know who starts yell at me from the car.  LMAO.    So I yelled back with my fist in the air.    Nothing like some nice cycling rage to complete the day.     

My speedometer has some miles on it.

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