Sunday, April 14, 2019


Ouch!  Today is a sore day.  And usually I'm tired and not beat,  so I can keep going.  Today I was tired and beat.   Time to listen to my body and not push my self into hurting my self.    I really wanted to go up to Centerville but I made my self turn around. 
This is me on the way back from the museum.
With that being said I only got 6 miles to go to get to  32 miles. So no climbing just flat.   I want to reach my goal of 500 miles in two week and I'm so dam close.  
But after this I got to tone down and do more flat to give my legs a break so I can do the wild flower.    

Admiring the beautiful work of hornets nest.   Of course this is a dead one.    If you look to the far left about middle you can see a dead hornet or a hornet that hatched and died.   
Feeling good at the start.
 Jenni ready to rock!  Which she did both Centervill & Humboldt.   Talk about kicking my ass with her Awesomeness.   I had to pass on Humboldt.    
 CJ  Awesome nothing stops him.
Jenni Amy, and CJ.  Headed off.

 With in a blink of a eye our beloved bridge will be rebuild for people to enjoy and love again.  

 The Museum.
 This is just before my legs decided to revolt.  
After this picture got on my bike and got up to 5 mph then 4 mph then 3, 2 1. Kaboom!
 Decided to ride back with Amy to the rest area, on our way back we stopped by a pond to take a gander at the turtles.  And Holy cow look at this bull frog.  Huge! 

 Headed back and I'm really starting to feel the pain.

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