Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Well I decided to post a nicer photo of my self.  Because ever dam photo I have I look like road kill.    
OMGAW! it's too this it's too that.  Shove a fork in it.  I see pictures like this all the time and no one said a GOD dam thing.  So deal with it.  Or I'll go duck face.

Go up a 6:00 am and met up with Jenni to do hill repeats  3 hill, 4 laps each.  Killed it.    This must have really amped me up for the day.

And here is the WOW group well behaved.
NOT!    It was Billies and Valarie  Birthday today so everyone was miss behaving really bad.
off we go.

 Billie invited everyone over for coffee, ice cream and coffee. Yummy.

 The Birthdays ladies.

 After a break, guess what I was feeling so good I headed back out to do another 50 miles.
 Here the little deer I see all the time on my rides.
Upper park well it's dead yellow and hot.
 Well LMAO  I did what I had to do.  This is not my first option for healthy eating on a long ride.    I was starting to fade at 91 miles and needed something fast.  Yeah 370 calories.  Awesome!!!!!  LOL
 Sun is setting.

 Phhhttttt... so what I didn't so good with my time.

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