Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Great morning ride with my peep's.   Just a small group this time.
The Wow group did 25 miles???  And I kept going.

 Just after this photo I got some water up a Hooker Park and there was a gaggle of little girls having a Birthday party and they all had super soakers.   We me being me I told them if they wanted they could use me as a target. LMAO   OMG!  It was fun.   They all started shooting me.     What I thought was just regular water was ice water, so I really got chilled down.     

 Hello there can I taste your arm? Are you going to drop any food?    Do you taste salty?  Food?  Salt?  Food.
This is our friend Baby Wolf hound.     He's a big baby.

Ice coffee and a Bear Claw.  mmmmm

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