Wednesday, July 31, 2019

83.27 MILES & 1000.23 MILES COMPLETE!

 Got up early to add on some extra miles to the WOW ride.   My leg was stinging in areas all the way.   But I did it.  My hubby said I'm nuts.  Maybe I am.

A lot of people ask me why I ride 1000 miles

My answer. Because I can.
The only way to know what your truly capable of is to push your self to the limits.

Time to brag.  I did 1000 miles in 20 days if you don't count the break days.    20 days of riding and 11 days of rest.

 Early morning duckies.
 Waiting for the group.
 Lovely little spider web. 
 I'm actually in the photo. LOL

 Regrouping for coffee.

 If you have not met the Sports LTD Cat, I suggest that you pop in and say hi, if you can find her.   It's kind of like Where's Waldo with a Cat!  
 LMAO Car's done, It's been in the shop for two weeks.  Go in to pick it up and the guy takes me to the back has me sit down then said "A employ back into it".    What else could I do but laugh.   Oh boy!  They gave us a rental car finally.   And there fixing it.   More waiting.   Were kind of liking the rental car, maybe they can just keep the our car. LOL

Back at it.

I never know who I'm going to run into.   Long time ago in a galaxiy far away Chris and I use to work at Wendy's with this guy.  We all didn't cycle back then.  Now look at us.  He's was  checking out some mountain bike.

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