Monday, July 15, 2019


 Awesome hot day to be out on a bike today.  Lots of things to see.  The Deer up at 5 mile that Chris and I almost touched had a little secret.  She had twin fawns.  I got a video, but it was to dark to get any good photos.  So Squeeeee so cute.

And on the way home saw a mom Turkey with 8 babies. I took a video, but they were way to far away to get a good photo.    
 I took a easy peasy ride today, just took my time.   
 Great Grey Heron. 
 Muscovy ducks doing what duck do.   These are native to Mexico and Central and South America.  And considered Feral here.
There stealing our other ducks jobs, we can't let them keep doing that.  Joking of course. 
 And look the big hoop has a baby too awww. 
 Hey look who I ran into doing his laps.   And hubby must have been feeling good because he went up Chico Canyon road with me.  This is were we saw the Mama Deer in tow with babies.
 Taking a break at Brave Coffee with Hubby.  I'm at 30 miles here. 

 So yeah the Five mile signs.  Pass it a gazillion times.
 Just love how this vine wraps it self around the grasses.
 Ready to grab on to anything close.

 Grass seeds.

 Don't know what this was but it was so beautiful.    Some flowers bloom so suddenly and fade so fast, sometime there is no time to enjoy there beauty, unless you actually see them.

 I'm 5'9 and this weed is taller than me. LOL
 The Devils back and he's brought his friends.
 Beautiful flowers.

 And there his claws, ready to turn black and curled and hitch a ride on someone get. 

 Well looks like someone is hitching a ride on me.
 Cute and very stickery.  
When I get home I'll be at 44.30 miles.
Road to Starbucks, instead of driving.

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