Sunday, August 18, 2019


Yay!!!! Got to ride with Jennies group today.  Awesome ride as always with awesome people. Had a really bad headache suddenly creep up on me going up to Nicolog.  Then by the time we got to Hicks Lane it was gone.  So Whew!  It was really intense, so I'm really glad I didn't not have to ride back into town like that.

Well went over to North Rim Cycle Adventure Sports today to get a bike fitting from Mike Cordova.  Learned a few things.  My Shoulders are wider than my handle bars, so it squishes my chest inward.  So I going to get handle bars that are wider than my shoulders.  And I don't peddle equally with both legs.   I baby my left leg because of all the problems I have with it.  So the right leg is the majority of my power. Good leg, bad leg.  So 1000 miles on my right leg.    Rawwww!  
He aligned my bike seat down and forward, so I'm closer to the handle bars and my legs don't extend all the way.  I also got to ride on the contraption he's adjusting in the back ground.   Really interesting.      
Going to go ride some more today and see how it feels. 

Getting ready to roll with the group.

Picking up Amy. 


                                               Getting my bike fitted. 

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