Friday, August 23, 2019


 Why does being off the bike for 4 day feel like forever.  I feel like two weeks have gone by.  Weird.   
I guess I need a little bit more time to heal.  On they way out I had some really intense shooting pain in my left tight, but it didn't last long.  Wonder if I pinch something having my leg elevated above my heart?    Oh well it didn't last long.  
Started today ride off with hubby.  
 He really happy and he's lost a total of 22 pounds.  And this time he's going to keep riding after the college classes.
 Lichen grow any were. 
 Looking at spider condos on a bush.  Every web had a spider in it.

  See the spider in the web?  Right in the middle.                                                                                                   

 Accidentally erased my average and max
Average was 12.9 and max was 27 (going down hill this time)  LOL    

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