Monday, August 12, 2019


Well to day started out really funky.  I work up really super early, 5:45 am  wide eyed and bushy tailed.  Like seriously ready to take on Lassen.  I was super wrong!   Was doing fine, then started mile 6, hmmmm.   So I cut the ride really short. 
Turns out my funky feeling was a UTI.    So my mega ride turn into the Micro ride.   I was waiting for the feeling to go away, but my last one was pretty nasty, so I wanted to get on top of it and stop it because it escalated.    
Having a UTI is bad.  What worst that bad.  Having a UTI while taking warfarin and Loveanox.   
When to Enloe and excellent services from one of the Critterium racers I volunteer for. Mehdi Sattari :)    How cool is that and I got a hi from Lisa Cordova too. A Bad ass Fast women on a bike.     

And here we have a absolutely beautiful spider that my microscope can't pick up because it's not sure what to zoom in on.   Arrrghhhgh!!!!!    I guess spiders on webs is not it's thing.    

Yes blurry.   This was a huge beautifully patterned spider.   To bad there was not someone walking on the path.  Because it would look like the spider is attacking them.                                       
 That's all folks.    Hmmm I'm not feeling as funky right now.  Earlier it was very uncomfortable, but not now....................Stay tuned.

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